Über mich

Mein Bild
A place for hobby and professional Noisicians.


BCR - 006: LordByronIsMyLord - Still Nothing

This is gonna be a really little post of a Dude called "LordByronIsMyLord" with three tracks, all like 1 minute and 3 mb size of downloadquantity - so get this 1-10 seconds of download and take a nose of this guys noisy tunes.

Infos taken from himself are:
LordByronIsMyLord is a experimental project from Guatemala, making noises since 2007 with every non-music device: from glasses to concrete, everything works a a source for his creations.

"Still Nothing" is a representation of memories.

I personally liked this thing for being short, easy to comprehend and still being remarkable.

So here it is, two options of download-source of course:

The artists: Mediafire

And mine: Rapidshare

For his Myspace go to: http://www.myspace.com/lordbyronismylord

Have fun and comment ;)


BCR - 005: Nebulæ - I: Into The Spaces Between

Dear BOYCREAM-Friends,

The first work from outside has been given to me by german artists "Nebulæ"
The release he offered is his debut and -in my eyes/ears- amazing!
I wonder how he managed to not be signed with that piece of gold.

To give you short information:
The artist's release is based on combinations of Drone, Ambient and really harsh Noise.
The little masterpiece was a cassette in the roots and now got digitalized for free download.

The Playlist by owners Myspacepage:
A.001.0 - M42: Drowned in Drone
A.001.1 - Interlude: Spaceship Approaching (Pull The Trigger - Neurotic Chipmunk)
A.002.0 - B33: Hordes Of Baphomet
A.002.1 - Interlude: Voight-Kampff Test on Leon (Blade Runner Skit)
A.003.0 - M 57: A Circle
B.001.0 - Carnivore
B.001.1 - Untitled I
B.002.0 - Angstzustand (State of Fear)
B.002.1 - Untitled II
B.003.0 - Untitled III
B.004.0 - Spirits Of The Dead (Ikteka Remix)
B.005.0 - Über den Göttern - Above The Gods (Harsh Version)

It's mp3-format with an a-side-track and a b-side-track, playtime nearly 1,5 hours.

The links for Mediafire are: Part1

In addition my re-up at rapidshare: Into The Spaces Between

At last, if you're interested in his stuff, visit his myspace: http://www.myspace.com/nebulaeelectronica

Hope you enjoy!


BCR - 004: Marilyn Morgue - [OMG, HOLOCAUST]

Here we are with a release I produced as Cd (limited to 10 copys) and sold to friends.
Now the whole thing in digital form: It is only ONE (in numbers 1!) 21:52 minutes long track that is pretty static and stupid.

so here it is: Marilyn Morgue - [OMG, HLCST]

BCR - 003: Marilyn Morgue - [Live In The Livingroom]

This is the first release of my Harsh-Noise/ Experimental act "Marilyn Morgue"

Basically, it was recorded while giving a "show" in a friends livingroom by use of hardware and sequencer-software.
Gives many different sounds, very short piece also.

Download here: Marilyn Morgue - [Live In The Livingroom]

Senseless entry is senseless

This is the first entry on BOYCREAM, basically to test posting.
In future months, I hope there will be a handful of nice little releases.

I'll do the first step and add my free stuff!

Hope for your mails, more detailled rules are to be developed/ announced later on.