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BCR - 006: LordByronIsMyLord - Still Nothing

This is gonna be a really little post of a Dude called "LordByronIsMyLord" with three tracks, all like 1 minute and 3 mb size of downloadquantity - so get this 1-10 seconds of download and take a nose of this guys noisy tunes.

Infos taken from himself are:
LordByronIsMyLord is a experimental project from Guatemala, making noises since 2007 with every non-music device: from glasses to concrete, everything works a a source for his creations.

"Still Nothing" is a representation of memories.

I personally liked this thing for being short, easy to comprehend and still being remarkable.

So here it is, two options of download-source of course:

The artists: Mediafire

And mine: Rapidshare

For his Myspace go to: http://www.myspace.com/lordbyronismylord

Have fun and comment ;)

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